Sustainable Agriculture and Food Supply Chain Through Digital Transformation

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  • Ebru Nur Aslan Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics, Samsun, TURKEY



agriculture and food sector, digitalization, food safety, sustainability


With the increase in demand due to the increase in the world population, the deterioration of the physical conditions of the world, and the decrease in natural resources, the problem of meeting our food needs has reached the point where it cannot be ignored, especially due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The agriculture and food sector is of great importance in meeting humanity's basic nutritional needs because nutritional needs cannot be postponed or replaced by something else. There is no doubt that technology has had an impact on every industry in recent years. Particularly, in the agriculture sector, digitalization has touched lives, from the manufacturer to the consumer, and has made our life easier, especially since the Covid-19 Pandemic. This actively demonstrates that digitization supports sustainability goals in industries. Numerous digital innovations in these sectors have the potential to contribute to sustainable food production, improve animal welfare, combat climate change, improve global food security, and support biodiversity. With rapidly developing technology, it is possible to prevent disruptions in the supply chain from the producer to the consumer by ensuring that the members of the supply chain exchange information simultaneously and accurately. Using technology for this purpose makes the food supply chain transparent, enables traceability, ensures food safety, and maintains food quality. Thus, in this paper, the impact of digitalization on the food sector value chain, food security, provide sustainability in the food sector were discussed in the light literature findings.


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How to Cite

Aslan, E. N. (2022). Sustainable Agriculture and Food Supply Chain Through Digital Transformation. JINENIS, 1(2).


