E-Commerce Entrepreneurship of Farmers

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Entrepreneurship, e-commerce in agriculture, entrepreneur farmers


  The internet can be used in many areas in the agricultural sector. One of the opportunities the internet provides to the agricultural sector is e-commerce. By showing an example of entrepreneurship, agricultural producers can establish a business on the internet and sell their products to larger audiences with less expense after making them ready for sale. When e-commerce is considered in terms of the agricultural sector, it is necessary to use e-commerce as a tool to increase price competition in the agricultural sector, shorten the agricultural value chain and increase the farmer's income. There are many reasons for farmers to become e-commerce entrepreneurs. Carrying out trade activities in an electronic environment can provide efficiency in many aspects for the farmer. This productivity provided by the farmer can increase the farmer's income depending on efficiency and enable him to develop new products. Practical agricultural extension activities on the internet and e-commerce should be planned for farmers to identify the obstacles that keep farmers away from e-commerce and overcome these obstacles.


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How to Cite

KOÇYİĞİT, A. Y., & Demiryürek, K. (2022). E-Commerce Entrepreneurship of Farmers. JINENIS, 1(2), 4–16. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7487476


