Entrepreneurial Practice Towards Resilient Future: A Good Practice From Erasmus+ Ka2 Kateika Project

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Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurial competences, Erasmus , International Collaboration, Home Economics, Sustainable Development Goals, Resilience


Lifelong learning is a well-established and applied concept around the world, especially in Europe. In addition, Erasmus+ is one of the most successful lifelong learning programmes of the European Union which brings people together, promotes cultural exchange and peace all over the world.

This study presents good example of the Erasmus project “KATEIKA 家庭科: Piloting Home Economics in the EU Primary School Curricula” which was developed and implemented through international collaboration. The authors have connected the outcome of the research result and the concepts of entrepreneurship to demonstrate the importance of such activities. Entrepreneurial mindset and competences are the keys to creating the entrepreneurial culture in schools and beyond towards a resilient future.


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How to Cite

Kawamorita, H., ÇELIK, S., DEMIRYÜREK, K., & MAGNANI, L. (2024). Entrepreneurial Practice Towards Resilient Future: A Good Practice From Erasmus+ Ka2 Kateika Project. JINENIS, 2(4), 250–263. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10460088


