Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Students about Remote Work

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  • Garam Mohammad Al khatib Author
  • Hiroko Kawamorita



Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Remote Work, Students


Remote work is one of the essential experiences that some people want to experience in the twentieth century. It is one of the results of the modern technological revolution. This study aimed to assess students' knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) about remote work and to determine if they possess sufficient positive opinions and attributes that would help them thrive in the remote working environment in Turkey, 2022. A cross-sectional survey was conducted between April and May 2022 using a self-developed structured questionnaire distributed online among students between Ondokuz Mayıs university students. Data were analyzed using a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) program version 25. The descriptive analysis includes tables and percentages to explain the data's main feature. The results showed that students have a high attitude and knowledge, Moderate level of practice toward remote work in Turkey. The study also showed that students have a (moderate) level to practice remote work. The results also showed no statistically significant differences in answers of the study sample about students' knowledge, practice, and attitude about remote work due to the social demographic data variables. And there are no statistically significant differences in answers of the study sample about the Knowledge or practice of students about remote work due to the (Number of family members, Employment sector) variables. And The results also showed differences in the answers of the study sample about the attitude of students about remote work due to the (Number of family members, Employment sector) variables. Every remote worker should educate the community and students about the importance of remote work. Besides, there is a need for more studies to comprehensively investigate the various reasons that affect the lack of acceptance of remote work among some students and how they can be addressed.


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How to Cite

Al khatib, G. M., & Kawamorita, H. (2023). Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Students about Remote Work. JINENIS, 2(3), 189–203.




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