Plagiarism Policy

1. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship and Innovation Studies should be original and should not contain plagiarism.

2. Plagiarism report of each submitted article is checked via Turnitin and/or iThenticate software.

3. The Similarity Index (SI) of the article should be 25% or less for submitted articles.

4. If the Similarity Index (SI) of the article is above 25%, the article is sent back to the relevant author(s) to reduce the similarity index below 25%. Failure to make adequate corrections will result in rejection of the article in the first step.

5. If plagiarism is proven after the publication of the article, that article will be immediately withdrawn and removed from the website and the relevant author(s) will not be able to submit an article to the Journal of Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship and Innovation Studies for five years.

6. The similarity ratio will be checked from the links below.