Basic Roadmap For Gender Equality By Empowering Women: A Literature Review

Gender Equality, Empowerment, Development, Entrepreneurship, Innovative ApproachAbstract
The most important factor in ensuring social development is gender equality. It is seen that there have been many studies in the literature on gender equality, which has been tried to be shaped as a savior actor with a completely different dimension in the globalization process. But unfortunately, a concrete general roadmap that will achieve the desired goal has not been established. An international success with global value on gender equality, women's empowerment and development has not been achieved. In our study, which we have done with the awareness of this deficiency, a literature review has been made based on the idea that social and political regulations shaped on the basis of educational and cultural revolutions specific to every society that will create awareness in order to make a humane equal life possible, regardless of gender, and the need to create generally accepted road maps. In this context, the freedom of working life, which is one of the necessary inputs for women's empowerment and gender equality, and the obstacles to this have been evaluated. Entrepreneurship, which is the main theme of our study, has been seen as a solution and its serious impact on development has been discussed by drawing attention to the mistakes and deficiencies in this field. As a result, it has been tried to contribute in the light of the literature to determine a draft roadmap for ensuring gender equality by empowering women in all areas of life, especially working life, within an innovative approach that will be formed with the universal principles to be determined by the common mind in achieving social welfare.
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