Factors Determining the Involvement of Youths in Social Entrepreneurial Activities (SEAs) in Pokhara Metropolitan City, Nepal

https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10056777Anahtar Kelimeler:
Determinants, Involvement, Poverty, Social Entrepreneurial ActivitiesÖzet
There are numerous sociocultural and socio-economic factors limiting the involvement of youth in Social Entrepreneurial Activities (SEAs) in Nepalese societies. Despite various deliberative efforts by the government and different development agencies to empower youth to participate fully in social entrepreneurship activities (SEAs), it is still not clear what factors influence Nepalese youth to be involved in such activities. In this context, this study aimed at examining the factors that determine the involvement of youth in SEAs in the Pokhara Metropolis. For this purpose, data were gathered employing a standardized survey form. A total of 150 respondents were interrogated entailing 75 youth engaged in SEAs (selected purposively) and 75 youth, who are not involved in SEAs (selected randomly) for making the study more comprehensive. Binomial logistic (Probit and Logit) regression models were employed to find out the factors determining the involvement of youth in SEAs. Findings disclosed that age (), skill/training (), and education level () significantly affect the involvement of youth in IGAs at 0.1 %, 1%, and 5% level of probability respectively while gender (), marital status (), and family size (), do not have any effect on it. The study suggests that it is imperative to make youth aware of the importance of involvement in SEAs as this will help them to be self-dependent. This study appealed to Nepalese universities and institutions to include entrepreneurial courses in their curricula to ensure the necessary knowledge and entrepreneurial skills needed for youths’ effective participation in social entrepreneurial activities.
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